Home About Prayers yogicrelaxing
Before starting this yogic practise, switch off your cellphones, remove your glasses & watches (if wearing)
Sit relaxed in a comfortable chair/ sofa, which has a comfortable backrest
Strech your neck backwards, bending your head towards your back [at comfortable postition only]
Keep your palms in open position [palms facing roof/sky]
Legs apart in comfortably streched position, [no tight folding / crossing of legs]
Eyes closed [eyelids pressing eyes softly & gently ]
Concentrate on your breathing now, Feel the deepness of air getting inside you
Now intake slow, wide & deep breaths [dont try to control your breath]
Let breathing be mild, simple & easy ... allow the passing of air to reach deep down your abdomen
Start Enchanting the word "ammm" for 36 times [prolong the 'mmmmm' sound] [this should be pronounced as "am" from amma]
After completion of the saying, Come to normal sitting position then slowly open your eyes.... feel the difference